Wednesday, June 1, 2022


What’s The answer?

Dangerous people, adult or adolescent, are a product of their environment. Disrespect for mankind in general has taken over. From road rage to carjacking, from murder, to terrorism. The quality of life as we once knew it, has changed.

We are turning a blind eye to extreme violent video games, movies and television productions who are making millions promoting death and destruction, yet no one blames them for putting those thoughts in the minds of our kids.

Parents, law makers, the Judicial system, television, movie production, and video manufactures, should start being accountable for their actions, or lack of.

We are turning a blind eye to the tell-tale signs of mental health issues, and terrorism threats before they happen. No one wants to deal with or get involved.

·         Parents who don’t pay attention to what their children are doing

·         Parents who don’t discipline their children

·         Parents who don’t guide and set examples of respect

·         People who produce and profit from violent video games

·         Movie productions depicting extreme violence death & destruction

·         Television shows showing accepting and promoting violence

·         People who see or know of violet threats but, do not act

·         Leniency of the judicial system, releasing dangerous people back into society

·         Failure to support a strong law enforcement environment

All relevant issues to todays problem.

Oh, and if you think banning guns will make a difference, take a look a drugs. Illegal drugs are accessible to anyone who wants them.  The same will be the case with guns. Just because they are illegal, doesn’t mean they will go away.

Politicians aren’t going to solve this problem.

Just my thoughts…